Hairy Beast

Theo Seddon

Are we delving into mysteries we weren’t meant to know?

A large vagina enters the room and bites a very boring man.


A night of horror!! Singing!! (actually, no singing) A MONSTER!!

Have you ever pissed yourself laughing? Have you ever pissed yourself? INTRIGUE?!


Theo Seddon explores what it means to be a man with a vagina, so take the clunge and snatch up a ticket. This show is not gash. Stop fannying around, look at (t)wat lies ahead. DANGER!!

Hairy Beast is a theatrical performance that uses the stereotypes of the horror genre to explore the horrors of being a transgender man.

In the show, a man called Richard is cursed by a human-sized vagina to have a vagina for the rest of his life.

The performance was created to lessen the seriousness around performing transgender experiences.

Theo made it in response to his own transition, and how the world shifted its perception of him as he became a man.

Hairy Beast is Theo’s first funded solo live performance project. With support from Hacks, Theo secured residencies with Tron Theatre and National Theatre of Scotland to develop the work throughout 2022. 

Hairy Beast is also supported by Creative Scotland’s Inclusion Fund and is set to premier in 2023. Hacks will be providing creative producing and logistical support throughout the process.

"Working with Hacks has been a great experience and has made it so much easier to communicate with venues and have confidence in the work I create.

They’re not only practical producing support but a supportive and informed opinion to bounce creative ideas off, and receive genuine feedback from.

I work mainly with Annie on Hairy Beast and she has been invaluable during the process. Conner has left a lot to be desired.”

Hairy Beast is currently in research and development during 2022, with performers Agnes Evans-Forrest and Craig Manson, and costume design by Daemon Clelland.

Created to be performed in theatres, festivals, club and cabaret spaces, please contact Annie to book Hairy Beast in 2023.


After Party - Annie Lowry Thomas


Dance Makes The Floor - Mark Bleakley