Dance Makes the Floor

Mark Bleakley

Dance makes the floor is an ongoing project developed by Mark Bleakley. Centred around the creation of a collectively made dance floor, through workshops, interviews and performances this project aims to celebrate the vitality and power of dance; bringing people together with a variety of needs and desires.

Over the duration of the project, different iterations of performance and installation of the floor will be presented across the locations Mark works in.

This project is context specific, through the collaborations with different dance artists and community groups the performances and presentations will shift according to the research produced with the collaborators.

This project duration is approximately 3-4 years. Mark aims to create a dance floor that is distributed across the people and places that contributed to the process, and at the end of the project, bring the people and panels together.

“In 2020 when the world almost stopped I could feel the floor moving away from me. So I started to build my own.”

Mark Bleakley

Dance Makes the Floor was most recently presented at Govanhill Festival in Glasgow, 2022. It was generously supported by Govanhill Baths. Mark partnered with Radio Buena Vida, a community radio station, who provided live DJ sets for the public to dance to.

Hacks are currently providing creative support in Dance Makes the Floor, attending rehearsals and giving feedback on the content of the work.

On top of this, we are writing funding applications in collaboration with Mark, handling contracts with other artists involved with the project and providing logistical support across the project.

Get in touch if you’d like to learn more about this project.


Hairy Beast - Theo Seddon


Backup - Craig Manson